After hunkering down and clinging on to his job during the entire lockdown, a 46-year old, Prague-based IT white-collar worker finally went out on a hunt for better and more rewarding career opportunities. As he updated his LinkedIn profile, Benito Castillion began attending virtual job fairs that offer better pay with promising career growth.
And this is not something that is limited to IT-based jobs and corporations only. With the pandemic upending the event and hospitality sector, most of the employees were forced to take up a new skill and position in search of more stable employment due to the pent-up frustration and duress caused by the fluctuating situation.
As we move back to normalcy, many professionals refuse to rejoin their former jobs/ professional life after realizing how overworked, undervalued, or burnt-out they used to be in their former roles. The desire for change, work-life harmony, work that aligns with their passions and values, and appreciation over transactional bonuses/ financial perks has set a domino effect among employees, causing the Great Resignation wave.
As coined by Professor Anthony Klotz of the Texas A&M University, “The Great Resignation” is an idea that predicts a large number of employees resigning from their jobs once the pandemic is over and “normalcy” resumes.
With companies having many open positions and at least 4.3 million American employees quitting their jobs in August this year, the frustration wave is real and brutal.
Hospitality and hotel staffing across Austin, TX, and beyond are also bearing the brunt of the wave. As per a Mckinsey report, 47 percent of the hospitality workforce is resigning or will have resigned in the next six months.
The temporary event staffing industry, among other spheres of work, has undoubtedly taken the hit. With the failure to assess and manage the great employee attrition, organizations and employers face a drastic shortage of staffing while putting their businesses at a survival risk.
Failing to offer a fulfilling employee experience and meet the new demands of autonomy and flexibility has further deteriorated the situation. Now, people struggle to find reliable staff to hold events or run a process due to a lack of skilled hands.
As the Mckinsey report rightly points out, “By not understanding what their employees are running from, and what they might gravitate towards, company executives are putting their businesses at stake.”
The employment rate isn’t going down. Professionals have access to opportunities. It's just that people are migrating to places where they are taken better care of. Employers must understand that it's not a crisis of employment rather a crisis of compensation. Especially if the employees prefer to stay unemployed than at work, it's a clear indication that the system is broken. With minimum wages being a problem across the F&B employees, here are the top three aspects employers and managers need to keep in mind:
Leverage technology for processes that can be automated
Fair pay
Managing level of belongingness for your employees
Rather than just working with your vendors, have strong connections with them and seek collaboration with staffing firms. It's necessary to understand that those who are hungrier will leave your company. The aim is not to make your existing employees feel “undervalued” and “overworked.”
Are you looking for emergency staffing in Austin, Texas, for your upcoming event? Dial 1-866-744-7809 for expert assistance.